About Us

My Canadian Pharmacy is an online drugstore that provides access to affordable and high quality generic and brand-name medication. We also do our best in assisting disaster-affected individuals and healthcare professionals who treat them. Using our online pharmacy, doctors can obtain all the necessary medications evacuees were using prior to the disaster, including the specific dosages. We help healthcare professionals to renew prescriptions for evacuees and effectively assist in the coordination of healthcare.

Our pharmacy supports the evacuation of injured patients and supplies medication to health partners who provide health care to patients. This allows patients to receive treatment and proper care and get better quickly. Our range of products is wide and includes medication for various health conditions, including but not limited to asthma, cancer, diabetes, hepatitis C virus (HCV), HIV, mental illness, motion sickness, pain. We also supply antifungal and antiviral medication, antidepressants, antibacterial products, antibiotics, muscle relaxants, etc. The organization provides emergency care guidelines and continues to deliver medications to provide health care services most important to patients.

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